Welcome … to my lounge on the web.

I always wanted to own a bar. Not a bar with a mechanical bull or a disco ball, but a good bar, with good food and drink and good conversation. I wanted it to be a bar that seemed as if it had been around forever and would continue to be around for the coming generations.

My friend Art and I talked about it a lot. We spent entire nights critiquing whatever bar we were in and planning how much better ours would be. Then, as the bartender was hustling us out at closing time, Art wisely would say: “Who will throw out the drunks?” And then he would add, quite unnecessarily, “Certainly not you.”

So we never opened that lounge (Art wanted a bar. I thought lounge sounded classier).

Until now.

This is a lounge where I don’t have to throw anyone out. There will be no bar fights, arguments over what music I’m playing or the food I’m cooking. Read what you want. Listen to what you want. Stay as long as you want. There is no closing time.

I am not sure what I am going to do here, but once I realized Facebook had some weird grip on my uploaded images and became the home for my wry ruminations for which I got no remuneration, I wanted to find another home for any other creativity I might unleash (or dribble out… depending on the day and inspiration). These days, my project is telling and voicing my story, One in 74,000,000: A Boomer Life. Please click on the links above or here to read and/or listen.

At the beginning of my media career. I think my car was worth more than the station.