My story

Ya Gotta Talk to People




At the Yankee Sox game at U.S. Cellular, guy in front of me (wearing a Mattingly shirt), tries to get a Der-ek Jeter chant going. When it fails, I lean forward to tell him I’m with him in spirit. We exchange pleasantries and I notice from his accent that he’s not from around these parts.

Where are you from?


Where in Brooklyn?

“Bay Ridge.”

Oh, my gosh. My aunt and cousins live in Bay Ridge. On Bay Ridge Parkway. My Aunt taught at the Catholic school down the block.

Now it’s the guy’s wife who’s astounded.

“I went to that school! What’s your aunt’s name?”

Agatha Lombardo.

“I had Mrs. Lombardo for 4th grade!”

So here, Aunt Aggie, is your student from about the 1969-70 school year, Christine O’Brien, posing with your favorite nephew.

Categories: My story

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