Category: My story

My life, explained

Chapter 12: Page’s Accident

When my parents got the call, they put everything down and left immediately for a hospital in rural Connecticut. Page and Bobby Higgins, a guy with whom I had played baseball and still stares out at me, frozen at age 14, from an old team photo, had gone […]

Chapter 9: The Real Doom

My father, Doom, had a couple of lines on the back of his neck that made what looked like the letter “X.” There was an indentation where the lines crossed. When we asked about it, he always said, “That’s where I got shot during the war.” Until each […]

Chapter 8: A Working Man

At first, Doom wasn’t going to pay me anything to mow the lawn. Then he settled on 35 cents. Thus began my life of work at the age of 9. The neighbors paid more: I earned 75 cents from the Herman’s family in the house to the north […]

Chapter 7: Mom Does it All

After Doom got back from the Pacific, my parents were married in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the majestic New York City landmark, on September 28, 1946. Doom was lucky that both my mother AND grandmother said yes. My grandmother thought he seemed like a nice enough young man but […]

Chapter 5: The Italian Influence

My mom’s parents came to America on a boat. Not the boat that stopped at Ellis Island, my grandmother was quick to point out. Those were the peasants, she said. Our people paid full fare on their boat and had their own cabins and job prospects when they […]

Chapter 3: Becoming Doom

Mickey Mantle should have been my dad. Then I could have been hanging around the New York Yankee clubhouse in 1961, the Yankees’ greatest season. At least, that’s what I thought when I was 10. My dad, about age 3. His mother used to enter him in “cute […]